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What is the air pressure of an inflatable paddle? February 08, 2022
Paddle board operation skills for Beginners January 14, 2022
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What is the air pressure of an inflatable paddle?
Many beginners don't look at the barometer, either playing too low or too high. Usually we can hit the air pressure to 15psi, which is the red circle 15 pointed by the pencil. Hitting too high is bad for the paddle, too low is not enough stiffness, so 13-15psi is a better choice. -
Paddle board operation skills for Beginners
If you are paddling for the first time, it is best to choose calm water without boats and floating objects around. In the beginning, kneeling is easier than standing. 1.Standing on the board: Place the board in shallow water, stand next to the board, and insert the paddle into the water. Grasp the middle edge of the paddle with both hands, keeping the paddle...